Kamis, 27 Agustus 2009

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Senin, 17 Agustus 2009

Sabtu, 01 Agustus 2009

Skin Care Tips For Pregnancy - Get That Glow

Pregnancy skin care for pregnant women is really essential; skin care and pregnancy go hand-in-hand. In order to maintain a pregnancy skin care routine, you'll need to focus on the basics of skin care. Experts give tips to help treat pregnancy skin problems -- from acne to 'pregnancy mask.'Skin Care Tips For Pregnancy - Get That Glow

It isn't just an old wives' tale -- it's really true. A woman can look most ravishing during pregnancy. Well … make that some women.

Cleansing your skin during pregnancy is essential if you want to keep hormone-related outbreaks to a minimum. Since your skin may be more sensitive than normal, it may be beneficial to use a soap designed for sensitive skin. A glycerine based soap is perfect for this purpose. Avoid harsh astringents, even if you feel that your skin is very oily. Instead, try a gentle scrub of raw quick oats to remove excess grease. You should also not wash more than a couple times per day or your skin could end up very dry.

If you use makeup, try to use a light layer to let your skin breathe. Most women will want to use a foundation or concealer to even out the natural variations in coloring that occur during pregnancy, but if you go this route, be sure to wash it off every night before going to bed. Leaving makeup on can block up pores and cause more outbreaks. Combined with the hormones of pregnancy, you could be in for some major trouble if you don•�t clean off your makeup and cleanse your skin regularly.

Pregnancy skin care tips:

# Rest and relax. Get plenty of sleep and select suitable methods of relaxation.

# Use a suitable moisturizer. Apply generously on required areas of skin. There is accelerated sloughing of cells during pregnancy and consequently the skin is in need of better hydration.

# Clean your face and neck frequently using a mild soap to prevent clogged sores.

# Select comfortable and suitable clothing to avoid rashes.

Rabu, 01 Juli 2009

Caffeine And Pregnancy

Caffeine is one of the most loved stimulants in America! But now that you are pregnant, you may need to lighten up on the daily intake of your favorite drinks and treats. The real question up for debate is: What amount of caffeine is safe? While it is best not to 'overworry' about the chocolate bar you may have inhaled last night (yes…chocolate has caffeine), if you find the effects of caffeine on your pregnancy worrisome, perhaps you would be best suited avoiding caffeine altogether.Caffeine And Pregnancy

Do I have to give up caffeine now that I'm pregnant?

Not necessarily. You can still enjoy your favorite caffeinated drinks as long as you don't overdo it. After years of controversy over the issue, most researchers now believe that, although caffeine does cross the placenta, moderate amounts (less than 300 milligrams a day) won't harm your baby.

First, caffeine is a stimulant and a diuretic, so it increases blood pressure and heart rate (not recommended during pregnancy), and causes frequent urination that could lead to dehydration. While you are in control of the exact amount of caffeine that enters your body, your baby is not; caffeine crosses the placenta and acts on your baby just as it acts on you. Normally, the effects of caffeine on an adult wear off in six hours, but in pregnant women, it may take twice as long to leave the body. Also, because the baby is still developing he will not be able to metabolize the caffeine efficiently which could result in altered sleep patterns and movement in the later stages of pregnancy.

What are the Effects of Caffeine?

If you notice yourself feeling jittery after you have has a lot of coffee or tea, there's a good reason for it. Caffeine can cause a number of physical side effects, including:

* increased heart rate

* increased blood pressure

* increased sweat production

Caffeine also acts as a diuretic. This means that it causes you to lose fluid from your body, which can leave you dehydrated and fatigued. If your body absorbs too much caffeine, it is possible to go into "caffeine overdose," which causes symptoms of nausea and lightheadedness, as well as respiratory problems.

How do you break the caffeine habit?

Caffeine addiction is powerful. Consumers can become addicted after only three consecutive days of caffeine intake. The withdrawal symptoms (lower blood pressure that leads to headache, irritability, and fatigue) can be bothersome or even severe, but they won't last long. And the following tips can help you through them as you wean yourself from caffeine:

--Keep your blood sugar up. This will keep your energy level up. Eat frequent, small meals rich in protein and complex-carbohydrate foods. Also, make sure you're taking a prenatal vitamin.

--Get some exercise every day.

--Get enough sleep.

Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How To Succeed

Your baby helped you gain your pregnancy weight. Now, it is time for your baby helps you to lose it! The average woman gains between 25-35 pounds during a healthy pregnancy. She can expect to lose 12-14 pounds during delivery. That can leave as much as 20 pounds left to lose after the baby is born.Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How To Succeed

The good news is that there's a completely natural way to get rid of that extra weight - breastfeeding! Breastfeeding isn't just healthy for your baby; it's healthy for you, too, and can help you get rid of those extra pounds. It will go faster and easier than if you bottle feed.

While breast feeding may help to kick start your weight loss after child birth, there are a few things to consider:

* The need to eat more. It's true that some nursing mothers do find it necessary to eat a bit more in order to keep up their milk supply. But, most find that if they avoid indulging in fatty and sugary foods and sweets, they continue to lose weight even with the added caloric intake.

* The need to exercise. Nothing will help you get back into those pre-pregnancy jeans faster than exercise. While many breastfeeding mothers worry that exercise will hinder their milk production, or change the taste of the milk, most experts agree that a reasonable amount of exercise will help you look and feel better than doing without any exercise at all.

* Remember to eat a well-balanced diet. The best way to give yourself and your baby the vitamins and minerals you both need, as well as lose those unwanted pounds, is to fill your plate with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and protein rich foods.

* Take Your Time. It's hard to be patient to get back to your old size once the baby is born. After all, you probably haven't felt much like your old self in months, and just want to feel like you again. But remember, it took nine months for your body to grow into the size it is now, and it won't shrink back to what you consider normal overnight. Give yourself the time to carefully lose those unwanted pounds. Most health experts agree that a 1-2 pounds a week weight loss is the most any mom should struggle for.

Losing weight after having a baby isn't easy, but you can do it. Using a professional and well-working weight loss method may help you.

Jumat, 01 Mei 2009

Pregnancy Risks - Tips To Avoid Them

Pregnancy is a period that most women wish to experience and cherish but there are certain pregnancy risks that could create complications. If you are planning on getting pregnant it will help if you observed certain precautions that can avert some of the pregnancy complications.Pregnancy Risks - Tips To Avoid Them

Pregnancy Risks - An Overview

All women would love to have a healthy pregnancy and it can help if they take necessary precautions from the pre-pregnancy days itself.

There are several types of pregnancy risks such as the age and physical structure of a woman. Obese, short women have more chances of suffering from complications during pregnancy and childbirth. It is recommended that women consult their physician and consider taking up mild to moderate exercises to keep them healthy and fit.

It is also a risk if the women suffer from diseases and disorders such as heart, lung or kidney diseases, diabetes, hypertension, sexually transmitted diseases and epilepsy. Women who have disorders of the reproductive organs are also at risk. Some women may have problems during pregnancy such as placental pervia, multiple babies with complications (such as Siamese twins), ectopic pregnancy, Rh factor etc.

The chances of pregnancy risks are increased if the women have had previous pregnancies with complications. Couples who have had children with birth defects, genetic disorders etc. have to consult their physician and opt for genetic counseling before they consider having a baby.

Women who are under the age of 15 and above 35 are more at risk too. Younger mothers are more prone to be associated with pregnancy complications such as preeclampsia, under-weight babies and pre-term babies. Older mothers (above 40 years) have the risk of suffering from health complications such as hypertension, gestational diabetes and they also have a higher risk of giving birth to babies that suffer from genetic disorders and birth defects.

Women need to take proper care and nourishment before, during and after their pregnancy. Proper, well-balanced diet that includes generous helpings of fresh fruits and vegetables is necessary. It is also vital to include supplements of vitamins, calcium and folic acid in order to ensure a healthy and risk free pregnancy.

Other factors that could pose as pregnancy risks include exposure to toxins, radiations, heavy metals and chemicals. It is recommended that smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs be avoided from the pre-pregnancy days itself.

The mental health of a woman is also a very important factor. It will be much better if the woman is happy, healthy and has a positive frame of mind. Stress, tension and worrying may not only be pregnancy risk factors, but may also be the causative factors of unnecessary complications. It is recommended that women who are planning to have a baby read as much as they can about pregnancy and childbirth. This will help them identify any potential pregnancy risks and help them to learn how they can be avoided if possible.

Rabu, 01 April 2009

Pregnancy Complications In Older Moms

There seems to be a growing trend among women of getting pregnant in forties, thirties, fifties and many of them go on to have a healthy pregnancy. The undeniable truth is that the more the age of the expectant mother especially 35 and above, the more the chances for various pregnancy complications.Pregnancy Complications In Older Moms

Getting Pregnant Above 35 Years

Pregnant women who are above 35 years of age are prone to various pregnancy risks as age and the health of the mother plays a very important role during pregnancy. The older a woman is the less her chances of being fertile as fertility may decrease with age. But with the advancements made in fertility treatment it is now possible for women to consider getting pregnant in forties, thirties, fifties.

They have a much higher chance of giving birth to low-weight, pre-term babies. Miscarriages and still birth are fairly common in older women. Placental problems may arise such as placental pervia which may require a C-section. Babies with chromosomal birth defects and other congenital abnormalities are other risk factors. If there are any doubts, tests such as amniocentesis or chorionic villus sampling are done, but these tests may slightly increase the chances of a miscarriage as well.

The fact is that there are many older moms who have successfully given birth to healthy babies. If you are considering getting pregnant in forties, thirties, fifties, you need to follow a healthy lifestyle from the pre-pregnancy days. Avoid smoking, drinking and drugs. Eat nutritious meals at regular intervals and do mild exercise as per the advice of your health care practitioner. Include supplements of vitamins especially folic acid before and during pregnancy as it is said to reduce the risk of birth defects in babies. The women need to avoid fish that are rich in mercury and they should not eat uncooked fish or meat. Exposure to chemicals, heavy metals, toxic fumes and radiation has to be avoided. The mother has to stay relaxed, have a positive attitude and do everything as per the guidance of her physician. If proper care and attention is give getting pregnant in forties, thirties, fifties can be a less risky procedure.