Senin, 01 Juni 2009

Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How To Succeed

Your baby helped you gain your pregnancy weight. Now, it is time for your baby helps you to lose it! The average woman gains between 25-35 pounds during a healthy pregnancy. She can expect to lose 12-14 pounds during delivery. That can leave as much as 20 pounds left to lose after the baby is born.Weight Loss After Pregnancy - How To Succeed

The good news is that there's a completely natural way to get rid of that extra weight - breastfeeding! Breastfeeding isn't just healthy for your baby; it's healthy for you, too, and can help you get rid of those extra pounds. It will go faster and easier than if you bottle feed.

While breast feeding may help to kick start your weight loss after child birth, there are a few things to consider:

* The need to eat more. It's true that some nursing mothers do find it necessary to eat a bit more in order to keep up their milk supply. But, most find that if they avoid indulging in fatty and sugary foods and sweets, they continue to lose weight even with the added caloric intake.

* The need to exercise. Nothing will help you get back into those pre-pregnancy jeans faster than exercise. While many breastfeeding mothers worry that exercise will hinder their milk production, or change the taste of the milk, most experts agree that a reasonable amount of exercise will help you look and feel better than doing without any exercise at all.

* Remember to eat a well-balanced diet. The best way to give yourself and your baby the vitamins and minerals you both need, as well as lose those unwanted pounds, is to fill your plate with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and protein rich foods.

* Take Your Time. It's hard to be patient to get back to your old size once the baby is born. After all, you probably haven't felt much like your old self in months, and just want to feel like you again. But remember, it took nine months for your body to grow into the size it is now, and it won't shrink back to what you consider normal overnight. Give yourself the time to carefully lose those unwanted pounds. Most health experts agree that a 1-2 pounds a week weight loss is the most any mom should struggle for.

Losing weight after having a baby isn't easy, but you can do it. Using a professional and well-working weight loss method may help you.

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